Welcome to JKL Planning
JKL Planning is Carole Stellman’s independent consultancy providing professional advice on a wide range of Town Planning matters including:
- Advice on planning policies, procedures and law
- Planning, Listed Building and Conservation Area applications and negotiations
- Applications for Certificates of Lawfulness
- Negotiations regarding Enforcement Notices and Breach of Condition Notices
- Conducting appeals by means of exchange of written representations, informal hearings and public inquiries
About Carole Stellman and JKL Planning
Carole Stellman BSC (Hons) BPhil MRTPI is a Chartered Town Planner with extensive experience providing planning advice to corporate and private clients, and to other professionals. Carole has a particular specialism in obtaining beneficial planning permission on difficult or complicated sites. Whilst always seeking to obtain planning permission without having to appeal, Carole is experienced at managing planning and enforcement appeals, and appearing as an expert witness
Carole has over 25 years professional experience, initially within local government and latterly in private practice, working throughout southern England.
Successes include planning permission for industrial estates, office complexes and residential developments from one to fifty dwellings.
Carole works closely with other professional experts such as architects, highway consultants, arboriculturalists, ecologists, landscape architects, commercial property agents, solicitors and barristers.